Now’s the time to take a stand for the kind of life (and world) you want.

If that involves thriving personally while contributing to your community, step this way.

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We need a radically different way of operating if we’re truly going to “be the change we want to see in the world.”

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For those of us who care about the world being an equitable and habitable place for all, things could be going a little better.

Ok, a lot better.

Our society is designed to reinforce systemic racism and climate destruction. Personal and organizational success too often comes at the expense of those with the least power and privilege.

It’s infuriating. It’s upsetting. And what we have been doing certainly isn’t working. So what do we do?

And how on earth do we square what the world needs with what we want for our own lives? We want to be the best version of ourselves, spend our time on what matters, have strong relationships, and feel fulfilled.

It can leave us feeling like we have to make a choice between our own personal thriving and the collective good, but that’s a false dichotomy. When we’re thriving personally we’re better able to contribute beyond ourselves, and when we’re engaged in our communities it helps us to become happier and more fulfilled.

Change is necessary, it’s possible, and together we can realize it.

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It starts with understanding and living your values

And by values, I mean what's good, desirable and important to you in life. Not the things that you think you should care about, or the things society says you should care about, but the things you really do care about.

It’s not enough to have a vague sense of what matters to you. When it comes to living from your values, specificity matters. When you’re crystal clear on what’s important to you and why:

  • You’re reminded of who the heck you really are and that you’re much more than someone’s employee, someone’s parent, or someone’s partner.

  • You spend less time waffling over decisions because you always have a place to start: with getting curious about how and whether a choice honors your values.

  • Your community is no longer just somewhere you live or support from afar - it’s a place full of opportunities to confidently engage.

  • You know what’s going on when something in your life MAKES YOU IRRATIONALLY ANGRY and can use that knowledge to take an intentional next step (and perhaps a very deep breath).

  • Your life isn’t ruled by your stress. You feel more powerful, strong, in control, proud, loving, connected, and empathetic toward others. I’m not joking! There’s a ton of research on this stuff, so much so that Stanford psychologist and lecturer Kelly McGonigal calls writing about your values “one of the most effective psychological interventions ever studied.”

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Living your values doesn’t have to be a burden, or a problem to be solved.

It can be a source of joy.

The challenge is making it work in the real world. That’s what I can help you do.

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Do you find yourself:

  • Scrolling social media and setting your goals (consciously or unconsciously) based on what your peers are doing, earning, or buying?

  • Constantly seeking out advice from family, friends, and random strangers in the grocery store line (kidding) because you want other people to make your tough decisions and just tell you what to do?

  • Sick and tired of your own excuses for why you’re not making the changes you’re desperate for in your life?

  • Disheartened/distressed/appalled by what you read in the news, but just not knowing what you could do to make a difference?

  • Uncomfortable with some of the decisions and behaviors you witness at work (yikes), but staying silent because you’re afraid of rocking the boat?

Would you rather:

  • Spend your time creating a life that’s better than what you see online because it truly reflects who you are, what you stand for, and what you want?

  • Make your own decisions (dammit!) and skip the agony of staring at your ceiling in the middle of the night rehashing the same few thoughts?

  • Actually do the things that we all know will make you happier and healthier? (Instead of just reading articles about it) 

  • Take the care you feel for the world (including all those tough to handle emotions) and channel it toward action?

  • Stand up for what you know in your gut to be right? (And do it in a way that’s both clear and kind?)

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“Roxanne helped me focus on who I am, what I value, and where I'm going next. Roxanne has an amazing ability to meet you where you are and walk with you as you move toward your next life goal.”

- Harriet M.

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I’m Roxanne Burbach

I help people find fulfillment through living their values in a complicated world. 

I care about this work because I’ve been there myself. There have been times in my life where I felt I was making a difference but felt terrible personally, and periods where I was in a good place personally but felt I was not contributing beyond myself. Through coaching and connecting with my values, I was able to get unstuck and take action.

I can help you do the same. Reconnecting with your values is an essential first step for a life in which you thrive personally and contribute to the collective good.

I believe:

  • All people should be treated with dignity and respect. Everyone deserves to feel safe, seen, and treated fairly.

  • We have a responsibility to each other and the planet.

  • We have the power to create change in our lives and to positively impact the lives of others.

  • We accomplish more when we’re in community with each other.

  • It’s important to listen, question your assumptions and beliefs, and continue to grow and evolve.

  • We should use whatever privilege we have to shift power.

I try not to take myself too seriously, but I do take my work seriously. I completed over 200 training hours to become a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach and I am an ICF Associate Certified Coach. I also hold the SHRM Senior Certified Professional credential. Learning & growth is a value of mine, and I spend a large portion of my time making myself better so that I can better serve you.

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 “I feel more motivated in my day-to-day after our sessions on the impact I want to have in my career and outside of work. I Highly recommend Roxanne to help You hold yourself accountable to your values and focus on what is really important to you.”

- Naomi A.

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Let’s work together to help you thrive personally and contribute to the collective good

We’ll craft our partnership together based on where you are and what you need. Here’s some of the work we can do together:

Thrive Personally

  • Identify your values and clarify what they mean to you so that you have your internal compass switched on

  • Get clear on your purpose so that you know the impact you want to have on the world and how you’ll make it happen

  • Set meaningful goals about what you want to do, who you want to be and how you want to feel so that you can be sure you’re working toward the right things

  • Harness your inner resources so that you help yourself rather than hold yourself back

  • Build habits (based in science!) that will make you happier and healthier

  • Assemble your support team so that you stay accountable and motivated

Contribute to the Collective Good

  • Create a vision for how you want to engage in community (locally or globally) so that you know what you’re working toward and are excited to get there

  • Take that first step (even if it’s small!) toward making your vision exist in the real world

  • Find ways to contribute that are going to work for you and make use of your unique strengths and abilities

  • Figure out how to stay informed and learn more about complex issues without resorting to doomscrolling

  • Make this work a part of your life rather than just an additional item on your to-do list

  • Take a pause and regroup when you find something’s not working, or you’re feeling stuck or demoralized

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 We can’t wish the world we want into being, but we can join together and do the work to make it happen.

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The investment:

$2,400* or 6 monthly payments of $400

* I set standard prices that allow me to do this work full time and I don’t want cost to be a barrier to coaching. I hold space in my schedule for pro bono and reduced-price coaching engagements.

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The Details

 12 x 60-minute Coaching Sessions

The work you’re embarking on is important. We’ll give it the time and space it deserves in a 6-month coaching engagement.

My Unique approach, customized to you

I have a framework and a perspective on this work, but it’s not cookie-cutter. We’ll work together to craft a program that meets your individual needs and wants.

Learning in between our sessions

You’ll also benefit from coaching in-between our sessions. We’ll work together to identify actions you can take and inquiries and exercises that will deepen your understanding of yourself.

A Dedicated Portal for our work

You’ll have access to our work together in a dedicated portal so that you can easily find and revisit your materials.

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What it Would look like to work together

  • First, we’ll begin with a complimentary, 30-minute chat so that we can get to know each other and understand whether working together would be a good fit.

  • Our partnership will start with a 1-hour values deep dive, which will be the foundation of our work together (I LOVE doing these!)

  • Over the course of the remaining 11 sessions, we’ll cast an inspiring vision for your life that serves you and your community, design what it looks like to integrate these changes into your life, and help you move from thought to action.

  • Along the way we’ll get curious about what works and what doesn’t, lean into connection with the people in your life and pause and reflect when you’re feeling stuck.

  • I’ll be there every step of the way to encourage you, support you, and help you stay in motion as you craft your joyful, intentional, values-aligned life.

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“Roxanne will really help you build the life you want”

- Jenai A.

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You Can feel good and do Good Through Living your values.

It’s possible to feel the relaxation and calm that comes from showing up as your authentic self. It’s possible for decisions to feel like an opportunity to flex your values. It’s possible for you to put in stake in the ground for the kind of life you want for yourself and for those in your community.

You can do it and I can help.

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The investment:

$2,400* or 6 monthly payments of $400

* I set standard prices that allow me to do this work full time and I don’t want cost to be a barrier to coaching. I hold space in my schedule for pro bono and reduced-price coaching engagements.

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